Welcome to Bethel!
We’re so glad to make your acquaintance! At Bethel, we welcome people as they are, no strings attached. We will love you with the love of Jesus, and we will walk with you through whatever life throws at you. We’re about discipleship and making sure people know just how much Jesus loves them by loving them with our own lives. We hope you will come visit us! And maybe. . .stay for a while.
How can we serve you? And how can you serve others?
Below is an overview of the ministries God has called us to at this time.
Worship Team
Do you sing or play an instrument? We would love for you to join us in worshiping on Sunday mornings! Generally, our worship band rehearses on Wednesday evenings.
Tech Ministry
If you love sound and video design, making Powerpoint style presentations, and running online live streams, we'd love you to join us with our tech ministry! We know that with modern technology, things just wouldn't work if we didn't have the people who know how to run a sound board, set up mics and monitors, operate the spotlights, or run live streaming services and cameras. All of this and more is available if this is your niche. Our tech people work in tandem with the worship team.
Recovery Ministries
Bethel is a recovery church. We have partnered with several local recovery programs, including Welcome Home Ministries. We offer recovery-focused support groups, bible studies, and even mental health awareness meetings. Wherever you are in life, you are welcome to join us and we will walk beside you. And if you feel called to recovery ministry, we have ways you can plug into leadership as well.
The Deep End
This is a new, online arm of our church's ministry. If you have mad social media skills and a heart for unconventional ministry, we'd love for you to join us! Or, just come join the group and see how we can walk through this life together in online spaces.
Youth Group
Our youth group serves youth ages 12-19. There are plenty of ways you can be involved as a volunteer or youth mentor. This past summer, we had youth go to various district camps, Momentum, TNT at TNU, and several of our high school youth attended NYC (Nazarene Youth Conference) in Tampa Bay last summer.
Children's Ministries
Currently, we offer Sunday School, Children's Church, Children's Quizzing, and a nursery during Sunday morning service. If you love kids, you're absolutely welcome to come help us love on the kids in our community! [All our staff and volunteers who work with minors are required to go through background checks and specific training.] We also have several events throughout the year, including a VBS during the summers.
Bible Studies And Sunday School
We offer several bible study groups in which we walk through scripture and life together. We also have several Sunday School classes and would love to disciple others to teach alongside our current SS teachers.
Isaiah 117 House
Recently, we began partnering with this ministry that is fundraising to build a transitional house for children removed from their family homes and placed in the foster care system. This ministry's sole purpose is to make sure children feel loved and cared for in one of the most difficult times of their lives, and will provide them with a home-like environment in which to stay while they await being placed with a foster family.
B.O.B. Ministry
We have an outreach to make care baskets (Bethel Outreach Baskets, hence BOB) for health care workers, teachers, and those who are physically unable to attend church. If you have a heart to shower people with love and care, this would be a great way to minister.
Food Pantry
We keep a food pantry stocked and organized, and we offer food boxes for families in need.
Clothing Closet
Because of our work with recovery programs, we keep a clothing closet well-stocked with both women's and men's clothes, shoes, and accessories.
One Sunday a month, we have a team who goes over to Nashville First Church of the Nazarene to cook for the evening meal offered by the Emmaus ministry.
Room in the Inn
During the cooler months, we open our gym every Friday night to 10 men to help with over-capacity shelters in the area. We provide cots and bedding, food, hygiene needs, laundry, and safety from the elements and dangers of the streets. We always need people who are willing to serve by providing food, hygiene products, and volunteering their time to be present with these men.
Nashville Rescue Mission
We have opportunities to minister at regular intervals at the Nashville Rescue Mission, by putting together a worship service, sharing the gospel, and just being with people.
If you’re curious as to how you might fit into the Bethel family, send us a note in the form below. We’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you might have!
Children’s Ministry
Welcome to our children’s ministry!
Ms. Kathy (right below), Ms. Aileen (left below), Ms. Nancee, and Ms. Charlene all work hard to make sure our children’s church, children’s Sunday School, and nursery are at their best to support your children in their spiritual journeys! From bible quizzing, to songs and stories, to creative play, to snacks, we want your children to know they are loved! Not only by us, but most importantly, by Jesus!
If you visit us on a Sunday and would like your children to participate in Sunday School, children’s church, or the nursery, look for these faces:
Ms. Aileen, left, and Ms. Kathy, right, lead our children’s ministries.
Youth Ministry
Welcome to Bethel’s youth ministry!
Pastor Angie has a huge heart for teens, and she lives that out on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings as she leads our various youth ministries. If you’re looking for a place where you can be yourself and you can ask difficult questions without feeling judged, then come hang out with us! We’d love to have you!
+ Sunday School is at 9 am on Sunday mornings. This is a time for us to dig deep into the Word of God and apply its truth to our lives.
+ Youth Worship Band Practice (optional) is at 5:30-6:15ish on Wednesday evenings, just before youth group. Here, our teens can put their love of music and experience playing instruments into practice as we worship God.
+ Youth Group is every Wednesday from 6-7:30. Have some food and hang out with friends while discussing life and God the Bible.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Pastor Angie Riggs at youth@bethelnaz.church.
Recovery Ministry
Everyone is in recovery from something.
Whether it’s addiction, trauma, or abuse, we all have “stuff.” Here at Bethel, our heart is for those in the trenches of recovery from whatever life has handed them. Our lead pastor, Joe Drake, has a huge heart for recovery ministry, having been through the 12 Step program himself (celebrating 26+ years sober!). Because of this, we have several support options here at Bethel.
+ On Monday evenings at 6:30, we have a community mental health meeting, open to anyone, where we discuss a wide range of topics related to mental health.
+ On Wednesday evenings at 6:30, we host a recovery-friendly adult bible study. This group started as a bible study specifically for men in our partnered recovery houses, but has since expanded to include all adults because, once again, we’re all going through stuff. It’s a place where we can be honest about where we are, and ask the hard questions.
+ Beginning in August 2024, we will also be offering a Life Recovery 12-Step Meeting specifically for women. This will be hosted by our dear friend, Pastor Rebecca Bailey, who also has a heart for recovery ministries and is a licensed professional counselor.
+ Rebecca also offers counseling services through New Life Counseling, which is part of the 510 Foundation, an organization started by our sister church, Nashville First Church of the Nazarene. Rebecca will be opening her office here at Bethel in August! We are excited to host this new extension of her ministry.
We hope that you can find your place here at Bethel. We care about your journey, and we are here to walk alongside you!